AR Now Online Help                            

Manage Banks

    Bank Edit

Bank Edit is a pop up from the Manage Banks page where you can edit existing banks that you have added to the database.
   The BankEdit window pop up of the Manage Banks page contains a table of editable bank information from banks that you have added to the database. You cannot edit banks you have not added to the database.  It is quite straight forward and looks like this:

Edit Bank

  1. 9 Digit Routing - Enter the Routing or ABA number here.

  2. Fractional # - Enter the Fractional number, this is the number normally located in the upper right portion of the check, and will be formatted something like 92-372/1231.

  3. Bank Name - The major or national name for the bank.  There may be one name for the "chain" of banks, and there may be a local name.  If there is only one name for the bank, enter it here.

  4. Branch Name - Local name for the bank branch if there is one.

  5. Address

  6. City

  7. State - Choose from the dropdown.

  8. Zip

  9. Phone - Try to enter a phone number that will allow others to contact the proper department in the bank that will verify account and fund information.

  10. Allow others to use - This is an AR Now online feature.  If you set to yes, all other AR Now online members will be able to make use of this bank. Conversely, you will have access to all banks entered by other AR Now online members who have chosen to share. Sharing this data will allow our banking database to become more complete for everyone. Make sure and verify the bank information prior to choosing "Yes".  Please choose "No" if you are unsure of the data.

Other Bank Register Page help links:

Bank Edit

How to edit a Bank or Banks after selecting from  the register.

Add New Bank

How to add a new Bank to the database.